simply jesus gathering
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Making Disciples, How Should We Go About It?

I just came across this great video with some very interesting and provoking illustrated thoughts about Jesus’ central instruction to his disciples to “go and make disciples”. How should we be going about discipling followers in the way of Jesus? There are probably many various and creative ways to answer that question.. What do you…

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Walter Brueggemann -What is Justice?

I was just watching this short vimeo video from The Justice Conference where Walter Brueggemann is discussing what biblical Justice is and the challenge for those who follow Yahweh to work towards the alleviation of injustices. I am encouraged how Brueggemann is bringing much needed attention to the often separated notions of our “declared love…

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The Shaping of Things to Come

If you have heard any of the following terms in religious conversations as of late, Missional, Incarnational, Meta-Narrative, Post-Christendom Culture, being an authentic community, it was probably encouraged at least in part by this book,  “The Shaping of Things to Come: Innovation and Mission for the 21st Century Church“. Both Michael Frost and Alan Hirsch have done…