The Atonement Debate – Understanding Atonement – Part3
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The Atonement Debate – Understanding Atonement – Part3

Yesterday I met up with a some friends to discuss the 3 Atonement theories explained in chapter 7 of the book, “Across the Spectrum: Understanding Issues in Evangelical Theology” by Greg Boyd and Paul Eddy. In the book the 3 theories summarily presented are (Penal Substitution, Christus Victor, Moral Government). We each shared which of…

atonement theology
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A More Christlike God – Understanding Atonement – Part2

I was recently quite happy to receive in the mail a new book just published by Bradley Jersak, “A More Christlike God: A More Beautiful Gospel“. I was happy because by choosing to read it would give me the opportunity to further the Atonement question on the blog. It did take me a month to…

Quentin Massys Ecce Homo 1520, Doge's Palace,Venice
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Jesus’ Death – Seeking An Understanding of Atonement – Part1

Beginning with this introductory post and the ones to follow, I will be seeking a deeper understanding of the meaning and significance of Jesus’ death and in what sense it is ‘atoning’. Jesus Death Saves Us Followers of Jesus across the spectrum of traditions have learned to speak of Jesus’ death as God’s way of somehow…


Questions That Must Be Asked: the “Big Picture” questions

Upon coming to faith in Jesus and beginning what would become a regular practice of reading and studying the Scriptures, I began to be stirred to know God, walk with Him closely, and understand what He was asking of me. Along with the truth I was gleaming, I began being intrigued, and sometimes daunted, by…

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Kingdom of God Revisited

For many Christians today, the phrases “kingdom of God” and “kingdom of heaven” refer to “heaven”—in other words, the place called heaven experienced after one dies. However, this is not what was originally meant when Jews (including Jesus) and early Christian Jews of Jesus’ day spoke of “the kingdom of God” or “the kingdom of…

Ken Wytsma Pursuing Justice Book Review
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Pursuing Justice

I can’t more highly recommend a book which explores the topic that Jesus himself instructs us to seek first above all other things: God’s Kingdom and Justice. In the book, Pursuing Justice: The Call to Live and Die for Bigger Things, Ken Wytsma sets out to explore the proper place and broad reaching effects that…

old testament sacrafices NT Wright
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Tom Wright On Old Testament Sacrifices And Penal Substitutionary Atonement

It seems there ought to be a much broader approach to the understanding of Jesus’ atonement work than to simply be correlating all O.T. sacrifice into the penal substitutionally metaphor. If you’re used to thinking in such lines consider the “3 question reward” which Wright says is in store for those who gain a more…

simply jesus gathering
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Making Disciples, How Should We Go About It?

I just came across this great video with some very interesting and provoking illustrated thoughts about Jesus’ central instruction to his disciples to “go and make disciples”. How should we be going about discipling followers in the way of Jesus? There are probably many various and creative ways to answer that question.. What do you…

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Don’t Miss Tom Wright on Fox & Friends

[two_third] If there is a speaker that I have listened to the most, without a doubt it is Tom Wright. I would love to attend this event taking place this summer where N.T. Wright will be speaking at a conference on Paul’s letter to the Galatians & Christian Theology at St Andrews in Scotland. The dates are…

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A Text Without A Context Is A Pretext For A Prooftext

[two_third] I was just listening to a talk by Greg Boyd where he was saying, “A text without a context is a pretext for a prooftext” . I don’t know if it is orignal to Boyd, but it was a punchy and well placed statement within what are usually really encouraging sermons by Boyd. He was talking about the…

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Walter Brueggemann -What is Justice?

I was just watching this short vimeo video from The Justice Conference where Walter Brueggemann is discussing what biblical Justice is and the challenge for those who follow Yahweh to work towards the alleviation of injustices. I am encouraged how Brueggemann is bringing much needed attention to the often separated notions of our “declared love…

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Celebration of Discipline

[two_third] Richard Foster’s excellent book, “Celebration of Discipline, The Path to Spiritual Growth” explores many of the classical spiritual disciplines: meditation, prayer, fasting, simplicity, solitude, submission, service, confession, worship, guidance, and celebration. Foster  shares from his own experience and involvement with the Quakers. While he does quote from many of the leaders of the Friends…

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What Is The Gospel, And Why Is It The “Good News”?

What actually is the Gospel anyway? What did the Evangelists intend by using the word Gospel? N.T. Wright is seeming to assert that Matthew and the other writers announced their narratives about the life of Jesus cased in the term “Gospel” so as to contrast Jesus with the other Lord of the known world, Caesar….

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Life of Jesus -Carl Medearis

“What are the top 4 things you love about the life of Jesus?”, asks Carl Medearis in this youtube video. “Not what he said or his parables and what he taught..” This is challenging. Carl points out that we have often skimmed right through the life of jesus in our Christian thoughts and meditations. He…

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Why Not Women? A Fresh Look at Scripture on Women in Missions, Ministry, and Leadership.

[two_third] Two Authors, both apart of the world missions organization Youth With A Mission have put their hearts and minds together in this important book, “Why Not Women”. Loren Cunningham, the founder of Y.W.A.M (pronounced, y-wam), and David Hamilton, a dedicated student of Christian scripture have brought light to this critical debate within Christian praxis….