This is the very first book I read of N.T. Wright’s. It is a great start for any one interested in a primer regarding the leading academic Historical Jesus research that has taken place in the last hundred years up to now. He does a great job of presenting the significant scholars who have contributed to the Quest for the Historical Jesus. He brings you up to date: the 3rd Quest and explains what is different about the 3rd Quest’s philosophy and approach to research. Wright’s writing consistently intrigues you as you continue reading through his reason and logic. He says, “We cannot assume that by saying the word Jesus, still less the word Christ, we are automatically in touch with the real Jesus who talked in first-century Palestine.” He explains how the 3rd Quest is has sought to factor back into our understanding of Jesus his 1st Century Palestinian Jewish context. I highly recommend this author as well as this book particular book of his. It is a must read for anybody seeking to take first step in discovering who the real historical person of Jesus of Nazareth was!